
The ONE Academy Trust Board of Trustees are the admissions authority for all schools within ONE Academy Trust.  Admissions to schools within ONE Academy Trust are administered by the Local Authority in which each school is located, as part of the Coordinated Admissions Scheme. 

To apply for a school place, please see the information on Admissions on the school's website and/or the Local Authority's website Admissions page.  If you have any queries, please contact the school office at the school of your choice.

Admissions Arrangements 2025/26

Details on how to apply for a school place can be found on each school's website and the relevant Local Authority Admissions Page.   

  • Applications open on 6th Nov 2024

  • The deadline application date for primary admissions for the September 2025 intake is midnight on 15th January 2024 (National Closing Date)

  • The offer date for the September 2025 intake is 16th April 2025 (National Offer Day) or the next working day if the date falls on a weekend or bank holiday.  If you have provided your email address, your offer will be emailed to you.  You may also be able to log on to the local authority portal from this date to view/accept your offer.  If you don't have an email address, your offer will be posted second class on 16th April 2024

Late OR In-Year Admissions
If you want to make a late application or an application for an in-year admission to one of our schools you will need to make an application through the Local Authority which administers our admissions process.  More information is available on the school website.


Any applicant refused a place at one of our schools has a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.  Please contact the school or the local authority admissions team in the first instance.

If your appeal is for a child transferring to a junior school or starting an infant or primary school in September and you are told of the decision on the National Offer Day you should submit your appeal by the date specified in your offer letter (usually within 28 school days of the National Offer Day). 

If you are told of an infant, junior or primary decision after the National Offer Day or your appeal relates to an in-year admission you should submit your appeal within 28 days of being told that your application was unsuccessful. 

Further information about admission appeals can be found on GOV.UK.

Current Published Admission Numbers (PAN)

Sawley Junior School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 90 pupils

Sawley Infant & Nursery School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 90 pupils

Shardlow Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 14 pupils  

Dovedale Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 60 pupils

Abbey Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 60 pupils

Southwark Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 90 pupils

Derwent Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 45 pupils

Arnbrook Primary School - Published Admission Number (PAN) is 45 pupils



Admissions 2026/27: With the merger of two trusts to form ONE Academy Trust, our admissions authority has changed from Willows Academy Trust and Believe Academy Trust to ONE Academy Trust.  ONE Academy Trust therefore consulted on the admissions arrangements for all our schools for admissions in 2026/27 to notify the change to ONE Academy Trust and to align the formatting and content of our Admissions Criteria.  The consultation ran from Monday 20th Nov 2023 - Monday 8th Jan 2024 (minimum 6 weeks).  The updated admissions arrangements were approved by the Trust Board and published on school and Local Authority websites in accordance with the statutory requirements.    


Our trust has a strong safeguarding culture. Training, including online, is provided for all staff on a range of topics, helping to improve understanding and supporting robust approaches matched to our school's context. DSLs are part of a supportive network, engaging with research and local/national developments.
Peter Fowlie Head Teacher Arnbrook Primary School